Thursday, January 6, 2011

Are you looking for a way to keep up with all your accounts? I mean your checking, savings, investments, credit cards, mortgages, HELOC's and loans. If so, then you ought to take a look at They have a really nice and simple site that can download everything into one place for you. If you have all your password log in's handy, then it probably will only take about ten minutes to setup. What is nice about it is the fact that you will have a quick overview of everything financial in your life. Who doesn't need that?

One of the nice features in it is the budget area. It shows you how much you normally spend per month in different areas like groceries, restaurants and the like. Then, it compares your day by day spending to a moving bar. If you are spending less in a category, then you will be behind the daily bar. If you are spending more in a category, then you will be ahead of the bar. If you are ahead of the bar, then you will know that perhaps you are spending too much in that area. A simple little process of keeping you on track is what most people need. We do not need any more complexity in our lives, do we?

A lot of Certified Financial Planners, like me, recommend it because it allows us to look at your whole financial picture (when you give us permission) and see if we can offer suggestions for improvement.

Take a look at if you have not already. I think you will like the simplicity of it, plus the fact that it helps you keep it together.

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