People like to talk about themselves. My narcissism rests squarely with my baseball skills. I have played baseball in tournaments now for over 32 years. Some of my teammates say that I like to talk about my stats, thus I am conceited in that way. What they do not understand is that I am a CFP® who focuses on goals. I help people in my business achieve their goals. When I play baseball, guess what? I have goals there too. Generally, I try to hit .500 and minimize my errors.
Last Fall, I played two weeks in two different divisions in the Men's Senior Baseball League World Series. One division was for those 65 and up (I got an exemption for being too young.) The other division was for those age 60 and up. My goal for both weeks was to hit .500 each week. In the first week, I consistently hit throughout the week and ended up hitting .500. In the second week, I was on a new team and they did not know me, so I had to ride the pine a little. I had one bad game and I was 3 for 11 at one point. I realized that if I was going to hit .500, then I would have to string together several hits in a row. My brain tells me to really focus and concentrate when I step into the batter's box. I only got 5 more at bats during that week, but went 5 for 5 to end up at 8 for 16 or .500.
My goal was to hit .500 for both weeks and I hit exactly .500 for both weeks. 12 for 24 the first week and 8 for 16 the second week. Am I being narcissistic by telling this story? Some people would think so, but I believe that I am simply a goal oriented individual. It seems rather ignorant not to have a goal that may be hard to reach. This goes not only for baseball, but also in your life.
How are you going to get to where you are going if you do not know where you want to end up?
Oh by the way, I made a couple of errors, maybe three for the two weeks that I played. Hey, I in my sixties! Give me a break will you? How many sixty plus years old do you know that still can play baseball? That's what I thought!