Friday, August 2, 2019

Where Are You Spending Your Time?

"Do not try to understand things that are too difficult for you, or try to discover what is beyond your powers." - Ecclesiasticus/Sirach - Chapter 3 - Verse 21

When I think of politics, I think of a subject that is too difficult for me to understand. Trying to understand the political landscape is beyond my powers.

When you really think about it, out of over three hundred million people, I have one vote. More importantly, I have one life. Should I spend my life worrying about what one political party is threatening to do versus another? Or, should I spend it doing the things that make me happy?

Does politics make you happy? Most likely, it does not. Probably, it gets you mad and upset and makes you scream at the television. The truth is that no matter what side of the equation you are on, politics is a big negative that you and I really do not have any control over whatsoever other than our one vote. Sure, you could donate money or time to a political campaign, but is this time well spent?

What if you quit worrying about politics, or spending your time on political campaigns? You would have more time for things that matter and the things that you can control.

What if you focused on something that could have a major positive effect on your life? 

A Financial Plan that simplified your life.

What if you could obtain a Financial Plan without having to move any accounts, or open any new accounts?

What if you could obtain a Financial Plan without having to pay an assets-under-management fee?

What if you could obtain a Financial Plan without having to buy any investment or insurance products?

What if you did not have to disclose any of your account numbers for any of your accounts whether they be investment, retirement, insurance, credit cards, mortgages, checking, savings or student loans in order to obtain this Financial Plan?

What if the person helping you with this Financial Plan was a fiduciary and not wearing multiple hats like brokers and insurance agents do?

What if you could pay a subscription fee for this Financial Plan that was extraordinarily reasonable for both single persons or one income families and couples or two income families?

It would be time well spent to look into it.

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