Back in 1675, a man was born in Londonderry, Northern
Ireland by the name of John Allison.
He grew up and married a Scottish gal by the name of Jennet Helmer. One day, they
decided to come to the British Colonies and settled in Lancaster County in the
Pennsylvania Colony. They had 7 children, one of whom was named William
Allison. They were Presbyterians.
Their son, William
Allison was also born in Londonderry, Northern Ireland settled in the same
Lancaster County area and married a lady name Grizzell and they had 6 children,
one of whom was named John Robert Allison.
John Robert Allison
was named after his grandfather John and his uncle Robert. He married a lady
whom they called “Mattie” and they had 14 children together. They
moved away from Lancaster County and made their home in Hillsborough, North
Carolina Colony. One of their children was named Joseph H. Allison.
Joseph H. Allison
was a Lieutenant in the Revolutionary War and helped secure America’s freedom.
He married three times and had 17 children in all. He and most of his family
moved to White County, Tennessee, but left behind his son, Joseph Stuart
Allison who chose to stay in Hillsborough, North Carolina.
Joseph Stuart Allison
was a General in the North Carolina State Militia. He married a lady whom they
called “Patsy” and they had 11 children, one of whom was named John James
John James Allison
became a Medical Doctor and moved to Comanche County, Texas. They called him
Dr. J.J. Allison. He married a lady named Mary and they had 9 children together,
one of whom was named William L. S. Allison.
William L.S. Allison
was a member of the Texas Rangers Frontier Battalion in Brownwood, Texas. He
married a lady named Julia. They moved to Hattieville, Arkansas and one day
after going to the general store, William never came home. It was thought he
was killed by the Indians, but no one knew for sure. William and Julia had one child named John
Washington Allison. The Allison family tree almost ended right here. But God
had a plan.
John Washington
Allison lived in Hattieville, Arkansas, married a lady whom they called
“Cassie” and they had two children together, one of whom was my grandfather
Terry Francis Allison. My brother Jon bears his middle name. John Washington
Allison remarried and had 6 more children with his second wife whom they called
Lizzie. They all lived in Arkansas at the time.
It is strange how God has a plan for all of us.
When I think about my great-great grandfather William L.S. Allison
going off to the general store and never coming back, I have to wonder… what if he
didn’t have his son John Washington Allison before he died? He was an only child.
The Allison family would have ended right there, but God had a plan.
My maternal grandmother Ollie is pictured above along with my grandfather Terry. Her father Francis Utley fell off a wagon
and died from a broken neck when he was only 22. His wife, my great-grandmother Nancy was pregnant at the
time with my grandmother Ollie who ended up marrying my grandfather Terry
Allison. They had a son name Billy Joe Allison who was Jon, Tami, Kelly and my
father. What if Ollie’s mother was not pregnant at that precise time? The
Allison family would have ended right there and I would have never existed. But God had a plan.
What if my mom didn’t get that divorce from Billy Joe Allison, then all the
children and grandchildren that have followed would have never existed, but God
had a plan.

It is at times like these that we tend to question things. Why did this have to happen? Why did Jon have to die at this young age of 54? It was simply, God’s plan. Jon had an effect on all of us and he will continue to have an effect on us for as long as we live. We will cherish his memories and remember the times we had with him. His imprint on our hearts will be everlasting. He had a lot of friends that I met at his Celebration of Life. It was an honor to meet them. Especially, Casey, Todd, Terry, Dean, Darrin, Phil, Scott, Brian F., Martin, Scott, his brother Brian and the many others.

My sister Kelly asked me if I wanted to go to a San Diego Padres game after Jon's Celebration of Life event. She didn’t know that me and Jon went to a Padres game together. I have to think Jon arranged that baseball game for us. He knows how much I love baseball and Kelly, too.
Anyway, I have rambled on enough. Just wanted to let each
and every one of you know that God has a plan for all of you. You are all very important
to your family and all the descendants that will follow in your family
tree. Just look what has happened since John and Jennet Allison came to the
Pennsylvania Colony way back in the late 1600’s. It is simply amazing and of course, God's plan.
Thank you and God Bless you.
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